Welcome to TELEK1NET1C!

This site is a documentation of our various projects, system shenanigans, and art improvement. We are a polyfrag, undiagnosed OSDD-1B system, with diagnosed ADHD and suspected autism. If we mess up, please be patient, that is all we ask.

Our pronouns.cc!
System PK profile! (Redirects to pk.fulmine.xyz)


Your code is messy >:(

I know

How can you say you're a system if you're not diagnosed? What if you're just wrong?

Then we were wrong. So what? You move on. Plus, I don't think most people have other voices talking to them as if they're watching from outside.

What even is a system??

Please refer to More Than One.

Almost every external site is made by people in the PK support server. All credits to them!